Some More Reef Illustrations

More Reef Illustrations ©Angela Porter -
More Reef Illustrations ©Angela Porter –

Reef Illustrations

Yesterday, I had an interesting day. I did manage to get these two illustrations done in between listening to a friend in need and taking care of a very upset tummy along with quite painful cramps.

I used 5″ x 7″ pieces of Winsor and Newton Bristol board along with some Uniball Unipin pens to draw the designs. This time, I didn’t add any grey shading. I will scan then print if I decide to colour them with traditional media.

The drawings turned out well, I think. I chose the size of paper for a reason, which I’m not about to divulge! It’s just an idea rattling around my noggin.

It’s Monday, so that means it’s EMDR therapy day.

I know on a Monday that my day can be broken up with a 3 hour or so trip to Neath and back for EMDR.

Today, I’m feeling more like I did last Monday before I received some post that threw me a curveball. I am tired as rather painful tummy cramps woke me from time to time through the night. I’m still getting them now, but a couple of Anadin Extra has taken the edge off them. I must leave early enough to pick up some more painkillers on my way to therapy.

I’ve had some flashbacks this week to events I thought I’d put to bed via EMDR. It seems that these events have several facets to them. Each of these facets relates to a negative belief I hold about myself, so each will need to be processed separately.

I’ve been trying to keep a record of the insights I gain from these flashbacks, and also any other negative beliefs that crop up from them. However, they often happen when I don’t have my BuJo to hand, and by the time I do, they’ve evaporated from my mind.

Hmm. Not really evaporated, the flashbacks have just been automatically shut away in their box once again.

I’ve learned not to try to second-guess what is going to happen in therapy each week. Whatever I have thought may happen rarely if ever happens. So I try to go with an open mind unless something has cropped up in the week that needs discussing.

2 thoughts on “Some More Reef Illustrations

  1. Monica Oliveira 5 August 2019 / 10:41

    Estive e ainda estou de cama devido a uma grande cirurgia. Uma de minhas atividades aqui deitada é colorir. As vezes páginas inteiras, grandes trabalhos podem ser cansativos ou desanimar dependendo das condições mentais ou físicas de saúde. Porque não ter então pequenos desenhos como os Dangles ou esses recifes maravilhosos? Trabalhos rápidos, satisfação imediata para pessoas mais ansiosas ou para quem, como eu, não conseguia colorir por horas, como é meu costume? Algo rápido?
    Por favor, pense nisso.
    Você trouxe imensas alegrias à minha vida, muita gratidão por você e por seu lindo trabalho.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Porter 5 August 2019 / 10:46

      Hi Monica. I’m glad you like my little designs. I am thinking of creating a smaller sized book, paperback sized, of small illustrations like this. I’m glad you think that such a book would be a good idea. It could take me a little while to do, but I do have it in mind for sure. I think I’ve got the general idea of your message. I only speak English and used Google Translate… Thanks for the suggestion and your kind words too.


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