Happy 2016!

I’m taking a little break from drawing the templates for Color Me To Sleep, due to be released in a few months time.

2015 has been a year, one of great change in many ways for myself, as well as for others.  Highs and lows too.

The amount of art that I have been creating, particularly templates for adult colouring books, has increased, and shows now sign of tailing off. The books I have done seem to be really successful, not just in sales, but in the media exposure they have had, particularly in the USA. The last year or so with these has been a whirlwind ride.  I still find it hard to believe that my doodly, whimsical, imperfect, hand-drawn art has been, and continues to be so popular.  I am so grateful for this and the opportunities that I have been given.


Above all else, I’m so grateful for those who have helped me, encouraged me and been beside me as I have made my journey through life this year, as difficult as I have been at times when the ‘black dog’ overwhelms me.  Words can’t express my gratitude fully to these people, to those who believed in me when I had no belief in myself.

Thank you to you one and all, you know who you are.

Just before I head back to drawing, I’d like to wish everyone joy, peace, love and an abundance of good things in the days that come, not just with the calendar change over, but every day for the rest of existence.

2 thoughts on “Happy 2016!

  1. tremmacy 31 December 2015 / 19:42

    Thank you for creating them Angela. They are beautiful!


    • Angela Porter 31 December 2015 / 20:21

      Aww, thank you for saying so, I’m so glad you like them and enjoy them! 🙂


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